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PlutoDate: Saturday, 2008-12-27, 11:12 AM | Message # 1
Administrator/Database Editor
Group: Administrators
Messages: 44
Reputation: 12
Status: Offline
Unfortunately im having to refocus to school, I know its christmas break and all but mid terms and im in Honors and failing So i need to really refocus if im ever gonna think about IB.

KimybaWoW Admin (Forums & Server)
DarkbornDate: Sunday, 2008-12-28, 3:27 AM | Message # 2
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
aaah okay. Sever is pretty much dead anyway :\ Take care, Pluto <3

My Deviantart page
aedw984342Date: Sunday, 2009-01-04, 4:32 PM | Message # 3
Game Master
Group: Game Master
Messages: 10
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Bye Pluto, You Take Care Now & Best Of Luck With Your Studies biggrin :D biggrin


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