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In game Bugs.
DarkbornDate: Sunday, 2008-10-19, 4:16 AM | Message # 16
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
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okay, so...I was bored...and I made 2 new accounts because I wanted to see if arena was working. Well, it did work. 2v2 team battle.
Pic is too big, but here it is if you wanted to see my messy desktop

ANYWAY. The bug is this, After the other team dies, the game doesn't end. Just Spectator Mode, and you can revive from the Spirit healer there. But if you attack the person who just revived, you crash. You don't get honor points or anything from it. Also when you leave the arena you go back to wherever you're hearthed. And you don't get the scoreboard.

I'll delete the accounts later when I finish finding bugs.

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MothyDate: Sunday, 2008-11-09, 7:04 PM | Message # 17
Server Helper
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Well if you are in combat go into the ocean go seal form and come back out this happens

Added (2008-11-09, 7:04 Pm)
Shamans are missing many spells, Including
Fire Elemental Totem
and Wrath of Air Totem
Druids Are Missing

Need Help? Feel free to ask if I am on.
and Sharia ^^

Message edited by Mothy - Sunday, 2008-11-09, 7:06 PM
BeastedDate: Monday, 2008-11-10, 2:17 AM | Message # 18
Group: Administrators
Messages: 39
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Doesnt a druid have to spec balence for innervate? i might be wrong but i remember my balence druid had it.

KimybaWoW Administrator
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DarkbornDate: Monday, 2008-11-10, 3:01 AM | Message # 19
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Even if you max talents as a GM on a druid, you still don't get it. Happened on mine.
Also, druids don't get Growl or Claw

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DrayceDate: Monday, 2008-11-10, 9:33 PM | Message # 20
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Druids should be getting innervate regardless of spec, thats how it works on the real wow.

Paladin Judgement stacking needs to be fixed.

Credit for Icon goes to Hawttu at Livejournal.
BeastedDate: Thursday, 2008-11-13, 3:31 AM | Message # 21
Group: Administrators
Messages: 39
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
We are still working out things. Thanks for reporting all these bugs but drayce, please be patient as we are busy fixing everything. A little kindness and respect goes a long way

KimybaWoW Administrator
Got a problem with a Staff Member or Player? Tell me!
DarkbornDate: Thursday, 2008-11-20, 4:22 AM | Message # 22
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
The new Patch, the one to 3.0.3, when you join the server, it says you need WotLK to be able to play. Anyway you can change it like it was before? Like how you can still play on the server with only the original?

I'm digging the new WotLK login screen though.

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DarkbornDate: Thursday, 2008-11-20, 5:13 PM | Message # 23
Game Master/Developer
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Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
WotLK Bugs:

-Achievments don't stay after you log in
-It's a leveling server (Which I don't mind but...)
-Quests do not work
-Barbers do not work
-newer models don't work
-none of the previous mobs and items we made aren't there
-very very buggy lots of crashes
-Transports don't work
-Even if you are 80 (via Gm command) you can't equip level 80 items unless you have WotLK, which is my guess.
-Some mounts do not work
-Some achievments don't trigger
-some Class spells aren't there
-"This server is powered by WhyDB!" Spams every 5 seconds.
- some NPCS are unclickable
- some NPCs aren't there
- some NPCs that carry weapons don't have weapons, just blocks, or they're carrying a rockmace.
- Talents do not stay
- Some Deathknight spells do not work (said by pure)
I'll add more when I see them.

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kimybawowDate: Friday, 2008-11-21, 0:30 AM | Message # 24
Server Owner
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I find the new 3.0.3 very very buggy, and i think about changing back, or maybe i can just open both realms well anyway, else i will close the 3.0.3 and we keep us to the 2.4.3 until a new bugless release comes out. Thats my opinion.


DarkbornDate: Friday, 2008-11-21, 0:56 AM | Message # 25
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
We should. Sure I liked being the 1st level 80 Mage and Forsaken on the server, but it doesn't stay :P

We should go back to 2.4.3. We worked so hard on it and now the stuff aint there.

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MothyDate: Sunday, 2008-11-23, 3:53 AM | Message # 26
Server Helper
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Messages: 6
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Status: Offline
Haha this made me laugh.
I guess the update to 3.03 did this or something...

Doesn't go away with relogging either...

Added (2008-11-23, 3:53 Am)
Hmm...same with the Hearthstone 18 days...and healing potions...

Need Help? Feel free to ask if I am on.
and Sharia ^^

Message edited by Mothy - Sunday, 2008-11-23, 4:01 AM
DarkbornDate: Saturday, 2008-12-06, 1:10 AM | Message # 27
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Mages Fireballs won't cast on a target if another mage already fireballed it.

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