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New Malls Idea
kimybawowDate: Sunday, 2008-11-02, 11:48 PM | Message # 1
Server Owner
Group: Administrators
Messages: 26
Reputation: 15
Status: Offline
I got this idea when i was watching some movie, i really don't know why but i still think it's a good idea.

We separate everything from alliance and horde, make two malls and a big arena between, then it is possible to gain honor in this field of battle or attacking the opposing factions mall to get honor or to kill their quest givers and so on. There will be guards and a king in each factions mall, and a lot of other stuff that will make it much more fun to play on KimybaWoW.
I really think this is a good idea and will be much of fun.

If you got another idea or add to this idea then make a new thread in this topic.


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