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New Maze
PaladinholyDate: Monday, 2008-11-03, 5:46 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 6
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I have a idea for the server, a maze that you could build in the stockades.
1. Remove the Units from the stockades.
2. Spawn a teleporter in the stockades.
3. Take some walls and start forming a maze (too hard to describe) id gladly help with this
4. Put some special Rooms like: Putting alot of fire effects in a room so you cant see, so you have to follow mini map.
5. Put a special reward in the end of the maze like: A Necklace, a shirt with stats a special mount or something funny.
6. Put a teleporter att the end so they can teleport back
Please Whisper me ingame - Sunjade or email me for some information of what i was thinking

A foolish man tells a woman to shut up.

A wise man tells a woman that her lips look beautiful closed

Message edited by Paladinholy - Monday, 2008-11-03, 5:47 PM
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