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New Realm
BoxjackedlolDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 1:59 AM | Message # 16
Head Game Master
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I say either a Level to 70 with maybe 20x xp. That or a Fun Level 255 Realm with a leveling road and custom instances and stuff after you get 255.
DarkbornDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 3:05 AM | Message # 17
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Quote (Boxjackedlol)
20x xp

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to high.

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kimybawowDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 2:52 PM | Message # 18
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Level 19 was very boring to me mainly because I could only do Warsong gulch... Dont get me wrong I love a good Warsong Gulch. Why don't we make it so people can get level 29 so they can do Warsong gulch and Arathi Basin

But overall level 29 in my opinion is a better choice because when they get bored with one BG they can do the other one...

This will be a little harder to complete though, I have found the MySQL for the maps of WSG and AB... but actually getting them scripted and ready to go for an actual BG is gonna be a harder task to complete...

Pluto, i can set the areatriggers to so you only need to be level 19 to join the AB queue and AV queue, i'm the master of private servers, you know biggrin

kimybawowDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 2:55 PM | Message # 19
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But ye of course it is going to take some time to finish the Twink realm, and i love that you come up with some ideas i will think of making a level server to 70 with maybe 8-12x XP rates and level roads and stuff, but before all this, we've to make the fun realm finish, i've worked a lot on it since it got public and i'd say that it is finish soon biggrin

BoxjackedlolDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 9:48 PM | Message # 20
Head Game Master
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Quote (Darkborn)
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to high.

Your joking right? I said 255. Get serious, Kamical has theirs set at 70x and still takes a little while to get to 255.
DarkbornDate: Friday, 2008-10-17, 11:02 PM | Message # 21
Game Master/Developer
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255 is too much, stats get fucked.

Quote (kimybawow)
level server to 70 with maybe 8-12x XP rates and level roads and stuff,

Not really, I wanted Blizzlike. No custom crap lol.

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PlutoDate: Saturday, 2008-10-18, 0:21 AM | Message # 22
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To get a blizz like server to run well blizz like... there would have to be almost no bugs, instances must be scripted *ALL*, and a lot more stuff... In my opinon too much work...

Besides blizz needs to jack up their XP rate and their Drops rate... =D

KimybaWoW Admin (Forums & Server)
kimybawowDate: Saturday, 2008-10-18, 0:59 AM | Message # 23
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Trust me, i can make anything you like, i can increase the drop rates, lower the required level for Alterac Valley to level 19 i can do almost everything you needf, sorry i was drunk when i wrote this sso any typing mistakes is cause ed by that..


BeastedDate: Sunday, 2008-10-19, 7:37 PM | Message # 24
Group: Administrators
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I still say 1-70 blizzlike server. only need to script t5-t6 raids because once they hit 70 they would get t4 and t4 range stuff. make it take a day or two to hit 70 NO custom gear NO custom anything straight out of the book blizzlike server. we would make it so players can donate for t6/s4 stuff if they arent happy with the t4 gear. what chris is talking about is like wowgasm i think where there is a long road with mobs on the sides. the mobs level increases so you can just keep walking down the road until you are max level i think maybe a cap of 100 if you do that idea but i think the easiest would be 1-70 blizzlike raiding server free t4 at lvl 70 and increased xp rate so it would takes a day or two to level.

KimybaWoW Administrator
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kimybawowDate: Sunday, 2008-10-19, 9:50 PM | Message # 25
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Ya that's good too smile

BeastedDate: Thursday, 2008-10-23, 5:21 AM | Message # 26
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I just think that if we made its take 2-3 weeks to hit 70, it would be very low populated because people come to private servers to be 70 without the work. when i said 2-3 days i mean 48-72 hours of play time. people probably play 3-5 hours on a weekday if they are dedicated so that would take a while to level

KimybaWoW Administrator
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BeastedDate: Thursday, 2008-10-23, 5:26 AM | Message # 27
Group: Administrators
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Before we go off making another realm lets get players lol. I also put a vote towards our next server be a true funserver. free t6/s4 pvp arena. very simple instant 70 pvp realm. give them everything vendor for anything they could want and there is nothing they can complain about. KimybaWoW realm is becoming complicated. the quest chain to get god's gear with the dust and the kings and the custom gear and donor gear and mall and ahhhhhhhh.

KimybaWoW Administrator
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NellyDate: Monday, 2008-10-27, 4:43 PM | Message # 28
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Scripted BG's for the lvl 19 twink server. Idea? Costom q and more. Lol. I've made a server like that before.
VIllekoskiDate: Tuesday, 2008-10-28, 8:34 PM | Message # 29
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A twink server would be a bad idea since some people... dont like rogues, they like casters. and casters are not very fit for a twink. Why? because of the way spell damage scales. it is at it's best at lvl 70.


DrayceDate: Tuesday, 2008-10-28, 8:47 PM | Message # 30
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You make a terrible arguement. As long as A twinked Rogue goes 1v1 with any twinked caster, its an even match.

When you actually play a twinked caster than you can talk. Until then please stoofoo.

If I were to suggest a new realm: Something along the lines of, 1-70 Exp Rate so you could hit 70 in 2-3 weeks.
NO FREE T4. I doubt people will manage to get 25 man raids together to do any t5/t6 Content. At least keep them busy with karazhan for a while. Also a good idea to make pvp a very big part of the server.

Credit for Icon goes to Hawttu at Livejournal.

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