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New Realm
VIllekoskiDate: Tuesday, 2008-10-28, 10:13 PM | Message # 31
Group: Users
Messages: 6
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Status: Offline
Actually on Retail I have played a lvl 19 warlock.. and they do stand a chance there I agree.. on NON TWINKS!!

not against twinked rogues or hunters very well sorry...

DarkbornDate: Wednesday, 2008-10-29, 0:30 AM | Message # 32
Game Master/Developer
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Messages: 80
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Status: Offline
Hmm Twinks. I never was one. Never saw the reason.

My Deviantart page
DrayceDate: Wednesday, 2008-10-29, 2:17 AM | Message # 33
Group: Users
Messages: 11
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Yes well this isn't the place to get into full out discussions over twinking and whatnot, we have completely different opinions about twinking. It's generally a good idea to include some information at the topic at hand along with a response to a previous post. No offense intended, but it makes the topic useful to someone who might actually be interested in any suggestions.

Regardless, It would definitely be a good idea that no matter what kind of New Realm Kim or anyone else might be thinking of making, I think its important that there should be as little Custom content as possible but I also think its important to create an environment suitable for your player population.

Example: If you don't have a lot of players make custom content for lesser gear through 2-3 man elites and such. But not making the custom content's gear better than the 10-man content that your interested in people doing.

Credit for Icon goes to Hawttu at Livejournal.
VIllekoskiDate: Thursday, 2008-10-30, 1:46 PM | Message # 34
Group: Users
Messages: 6
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I'd rather just improve the server we have now to be completely honest
BeastedDate: Friday, 2008-10-31, 5:19 AM | Message # 35
Group: Administrators
Messages: 39
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Ya the staff (especially Mew) has been workin hard to fix the server we have up now. i personally think they are doing a great job. everything is custom and people are able to get 4 different sets of armor and increase their "pwnage". we will have our custom instance ready soon, mew has been slaving away on it and doing a great job

KimybaWoW Administrator
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DarkbornDate: Friday, 2008-10-31, 5:27 PM | Message # 36
Game Master/Developer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 80
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
Well. I guess I am Dedicated to it.Still have to refix some of my mobs. Doing that today biggrin

My Deviantart page
GrimDate: Monday, 2008-11-03, 3:03 PM | Message # 37
Group: Administrators
Messages: 25
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
I think a blizz-like server is the best, i know that if i was joining this server and i didnt want to pay blizz fees every month i would like to join a server that i can have real wow without the fees

aedw984342Date: Friday, 2008-11-07, 11:26 AM | Message # 38
Game Master
Group: Game Master
Messages: 10
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
I think a new realm would be interesting and kinda fun to see what it would be like, but i think more attention needs to be put on the current server before making a new one,

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